I didn't think i would of gotten the chance to go to the Calgary Stampede this year because so many last minute plans came up. Originally i was supposed to go on the first Sunday, which was Family Day, but my girlfriend, Ha, suddenly decided to move from the NW to the SE of Calgary so ended helping her with that.
While running some errands on the second last day of Stampede, we decided to stop by the Stampede grounds to check it out. Since i got there around 6pm, i basically just walked around (twice) to see which new wacky foods to try out... which was quite disappointing. I thought there would be more wacky items to eat.
The Chip Dog |
One of my favorite thing to so at the Stampede besides eating is
walking through the BMO Centre. I'm a sucker for shiny things. :-) Not
much caught my eye this year... which is a good thing i guess, since i
have to save for school.
I also stop by the tarot card
reading booth. 5 cards for $15, not bad. My girlfriend had her reading
first which was so accurate she asked me how the tarot card lady knew.
Gave my girlfriend some pretty good advise too. I decide to request my
reading from her as well (because there was 8 other tarot cards ladies
doing reading too) and she said my cards are great... lots of new
opportunities (i immediately thought of school) and new doors will open
for me. That i felt stuck at my current employment (sooo true!). My
reading also showed that my family had mixed feelings about my decision
to go back to school this fall... they are happy but they also hope that
i opt to settle down and pop out a grand-kid for them. Hahahahaha.
Guess they want more grand kids.
After the BMO Centre, we when to the dream home and brought the
20 for $20 tickets. The dream home was quite nice but i find that the
few Western element didn't quite fit in my tasting for the mostly modern
looking home. We stayed around the Grandstand area to watch the 11:15pm
fireworks. All in all, i had fun with the short amount of time spent
there and only ended up spending $60! Not bad eh.
WALK OFF THE EARTH at the Coca Cola Stage |
Got a FREE shirt from Cowboy Casino |