We finally got around to make this season gingerbread house. I had found a pre-built gingerbread house at Safeway for only $9.99! PRE-BUILT and everything! You just had to decorate it! That’s the point of making a gingerbread house isn’t it, to decorate it. My sister thinks the fun is assembling it. o_O I don’t have the patience to sit around for the walls and roof to dry anymore so how lucky was I went I spotted the pre-built kit. Hahahahaha.
After seeing Jelly Modern Doughnuts' pink gingerbread house, I kinda wanted to do a pink gingerbread house too and not the generic white icing gingerbread house everyone does. So I brought extra icing and add some pink coloring into it, it wasn’t the pink I wanted so I decided to add a teal colored icing too. My gingerbread house defiantly looks like a madhouse when it was finished. Hahahaha.
So do people actually eat their gingerbread houses afterwards? I normally just throw it out. o_O Kinda of a waste eh.
Guess who decorated this side. Hint: it wasn't me. Hahahaha. <3 |
Also, guess what i had found out today after weeks of me hassling them. Hahahahaha. That's right, i got accepted! School life, here i come! Hahahahahaha. (I think i may be the only person this excited for school again. Hahahahahaha.)