Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Fitness Challenge For This Week

LINK: Slimmer Thighs in 7 Days

"For best results, circuit through the following exercises (doing one move after the next without resting) four times a week, then finish up with 15 to 20 minutes of any cardio activity."

Slimming Skaters: for a total of one minute.
Side to Side Plies: hold it for 30 seconds, 10 times.
Crescent Kicks: repeat this move 10 times.
Inner Thigh Attitude Pulse: repeat this movement 15 times.
Towel Squeeze Bridge: repeat this movement 15 times.
Seated Bent-Knee: repeat this exercise 20 times.
Frog: repeat this movement 15 times.
Butterfly Stretch: hold this position for 30 seconds, and then relax.